With the purpose of ensuring the proper functioning of the association relations established in 1963 and providing effective solutions to the emerging problems; - The Association Council
- The Association Committee
- The Turkey-EU Joint Parliamentary Commission and
- The Customs Cooperation Committee
has been established. Furthermore, pursuant to the Articles 50-51 of the Decision 1/95 of the Association Council (DAC); a Customs Union Joint Committee (CUJC) in charge of providing exchange of views and information, delivering opinion and making recommendations to the Association Council has been established. The Association Council It is envisaged according to the Art. 6 of the Ankara Agreement that in order to ensure the implementation and the progressive development of the association, the Parties shall meet in an Association Council, which shall act within the powers conferred upon it by the Agreement. According to Article 22 of the Ankara Agreement, in order to attain the objectives of the Agreement, the Association Council shall have the power to take decisions in the cases provided for therein. Among the powers of the Association Council are making appropriate recommendations and periodically reviewing the functioning of the association in the light of the objectives of the Ankara Agreement. According to Article 23 of the Ankara Agreement, the Association Council consists of members of the Governments of the Member States and members of the Council and of the Commission of the Community on the one hand and of members of the Turkish Government on the other. The Association Council shall act unanimously. According to Article 24 of the Ankara Agreement, the office of President of Association is held for a term of six months by a representative of the Community and a representative of Turkey alternately. The Association Council may decide to set up committees to assist in the performance of its tasks and, in particular, a committee to ensure the continuing cooperation required for the proper functioning of the Ankara Agreement. Within this context, the Association Committee in 1964 and the Joint Parliamentary Commission in 1965 have been established. According to Article 25 of the Ankara Agreement, the Parties may submit to the Association Council any dispute relating to the application or interpretation of the Agreement which concerns the Community, a Member State of the Community, or Turkey. The Association Council may settle the dispute by decision; it may also decide to submit the dispute to the European Court of Justice or to any other existing court or tribunal. The Association Committee The objective of the Association Committee established by the DAC No: 3/64 is to prepare the agenda of the Association Council and to make analysis regarding technical issues that the Association Council needs. The Committee is comprised by technical experts from the Member States, the Council, the Commission and Turkey. The reports prepared by the Committee are directly submitted to the Association Council without being put to a vote. In order to monitor progress with the priorities of the Accession Partnership, approximation of legislation and to assist the Association Committee, 8 subcommittees which have no decision-making power have been set up by Decision No: 3/2000 of the Association Council. The subcommittees working under the authority of the Association Committee, to which they shall report after each of their meetings, are: - Agriculture and Fisheries Subcommittee
- Internal Market and Competition Subcommittee
- Trade, Industry and ECSC Products Subcommittee
- Economics and Monetary Issues, Capital Movements and Statistics Subcommittee
- Innovation, Education, Training Courses and Youth and Turkish Participation in Community Programmes Subcommittee
- Transport, Environment and Energy (including Trans-European Networks) Subcommittee
- Regional Development, Employment and Social Policy Subcommittee
- Customs, Taxation, Drug Trafficking and Money Laundering Subcommittee
Joint Parliamentary Commission (JPC) In accordance with Article 27 of the Ankara Agreement, a Joint Parliamentary Commission which is comprised by 18 members from the European Parliament and 18 from the Turkish Parliament has been established by the Decision of 14 May 1965 of the European Parliament, the Decision of 22 June 1965 of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the Decision No: 1/65 of the Association Council. The JPC examines the annual activity reports prepared by the Association Council, exchanges views on the issues regarding association relations and makes recommendations to the Association Council. The meetings, which could not be held regularly before the Customs Union had been concluded, are now held regularly since then. The political dimension of the Turkey-EU relations and the functioning of the Customs Union have been the priorities of the meetings of this Commission. Customs Cooperation Committee ( CCC) The Customs Cooperation Committee has been constituted by the Decision No: 2/69 of the Association Council. The CCC has regularly convened since 1992, after 10 years break due to the military intervention in Turkey. The CCC mainly aims at monitoring the implementation of the provisions related to customs union of the Ankara Agreement. With this purpose, the CCC, which is comprised by the customs experts of the Member States, Turkey and the Commission meet twice a year and take up settlement of disputes related to the Customs Union. Customs Union Joint Committee (CUJC) With a view to realize the objectives laid down in the Article 24 of the Association Agreement, a Customs Union Joint Committee has been established according to Article 50 of the DAC No: 1/95 establishing a Customs Union between Turkey and the EC. The powers and duties of the Committee are to carry out exchange of views and information, to formulate recommendations to the Association Council and to deliver opinions with a view to ensuring the proper functioning of the Customs Union. The CUJC consists of representatives of the parties, i.e. the European Commission on behalf of the EU, and Turkey. The office of the Chairman of the CUJC is held alternately for a period of six months, by the representative of the Community, i.e. the European Commission, and the representative of Turkey. Article 52 paragraph 3 of the Decision concerned states that the Committee is to meet at least once a month. However, at present, the Parties generally meet in the CUJC twice a year. Within this context, the regular and effective working of the Committee is of vital importance in terms of proper functioning of the Customs Union. Joint Consultation Committee In accordance with Article 27 of the Ankara Agreement that envisages the promotion of the necessary cooperation and contacts between the Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC) on the one hand and the corresponding organs in Turkey on the other, a Joint Consultation Committee has been set up. The Committee convenes 18 members of the ECOSOC and the members representing different economic and interest groups from Turkey (such as TOBB, TÜRK-İŞ, DİSK, HAK-İŞ, TZOB, TESK, YÖK, TMMOB, TÜRKOPEN). The JCC which meets three times a year aims at fortifying the cooperation and institutionalising the socio-economic dialogue between the parties.
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