This book aims to shed light on some little know facts about the Cyprus issue since it is considered to be a quite complex question involving multiple dimensions ranging from history, international law, justice, dispute settlement and United Nations’ involvement to Turkey-EU relations. The Cyprus question is not only a sensitive issue for Turkish citizens but also one of the most important barriers to Turkish membership to the European Union. Therefore this publication aims to provide clear and comprehensive information on the Cyprus issue in order to enlighten Turkey’s accession process and the difficulties encountered by Turkey during this process. Within this framework, it has been deemed useful to break down this complex issue into a series of simple questions: 1. Do Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots have a common perspective regarding the history of Cyprus? 2. Is the separation of Turkish- and Greek Cypriot communities the result of Turkish Intervention in 1974? 3. How did the European Union react when Cyprus was divided along ethnic lines in 1964 due to EOKA terror campaign? 4. Are Turkish settlers in the TNRC after 1974 a foreign element in Cyprus, as claimed by Greek Cypriot authorities? 5. Have the Greek Cypriots always constituted a majority in Cyprus? 6. Turkish- and Greek Cypriot attitudes prior to the referendum on the Annan Plan (or: Was the EU justified in admitting the Greek Cypriot Administration as the legitimate government of entire Cyprus?) 7. Did the European Union play a role in improving Turkish-EU relations and the situation of Turkish Cypriots after the Greek Cypriot accession? 8. Has Greek Cypriot Membership in the EU so far contributed to the solution of the Cyprus problem? 9. Can the recent rapprochement between Turkey and Greece contribute to the solution of Cyprus problem? 10. Does the European Union have a Cyprus policy of its own?
The updated third edition “Visa Policy Towards Turkish Nationals of Member States and the EU after Soysal” is prepared by two distinguished scholars in the area of European Immigration Law, Prof. Dr. Kees Groenendijk from Radbound University Immigration Law Center and Prof. Dr. Elspeth Guild.
This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the ruling of EU Court of Justice in February 2009 regarding the Soysal case and its implications/impacts on the domestic law of Member States as well as the implementation of this Decision by Member States. The two authors point out that the visa obligation applied by Member States within the framework of the provision of services is in breach of the EU Association Law. This publication also tackles the latest developments occurring in Member States, European Union institutions and Turkey regarding the visa procedures applied to Turkish citizens following the entry into force of the Visa Code in April 2010.
This report also includes five striking samples of complaints received during “The Visa Hotline Project” carried out by IKV between January 2010 and June 2011. This project was supported by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and Brussels-based European Citizen Action Service (ECAS). These examples of complaints were enclosed in the publication to draw the attention of the readers on the gravity of the situation.
The possible outcomes and implication of the decision related to Demirkan case pending before the EU Court of Justice regarding the freedom of circulation of Turkish citizens as tourists and students wishing to enter the European Union without visa are analyzed within this updated third edition. In this regard, the decision taken by the Dutch State Council in March 2012 allowing Turkish citizens to enter the Netherlands without requiring visa as a service provider in Turkish companies.
This publication was brought to the attention of Turkish public thanks to the translation made by Margerite Turhan from the Yeditepe University Faculty Law.
Publication number: 257 - “TURKEY AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS” (2012, Nomos Edition)
The book entitled “Turkey and the European Union: Different Dimensions” and edited by IKV Chairman and Dean of Yeditepe University Faculty Law, Prof. Dr. Halûk Kabaalioğlu along with President of the ECSA Germany, Prof. Peter-Christian Müller-Graff has been published by Nomos. This publication deals with Turkey’s relations with the EU, its European perspectives and accession negotiations process. Several dimensions of this relationship and its perspectives are analyzed within a conceptual, political, legal, social, economic, cultural, and demographic framework. This book also includes articles from Prof.Dr. Halûk Kabaalioglu, Prof. Peter-Christian Müller-Graff , Dr. Barbara Lippert, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sanem Baykal, Prof. Dr. Claus Dieter Classen, Prof. Dr. Ersin Kalaycioglu, Frédéric Krumbein, Prof. Dr. Nedret Kuran-Burçoglu, Günter Seufert and Prof. Dr. Josef Schmid. - THE REVISED AND UPDATED SECOND EDITION OF "TURKEY: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE" (2012)
The book “Turkey: Past, Present and Future” prepared by IKV and published in December 2012 aims to provide general information about some of the most prominent social, economic, political and cultural issues, as well as foreign policy issues faced by Turkey with a particular emphasis on its relation with the European Union and its accession process. “Turkey: Past, Present and Future” was prepared by IKV researchers to shed light on issues pertaining to the history, politics and society in Turkey, that came up frequently in their daily work and contacts and were of interest to especially their European counterparts. The first edition has been updated and revised by taking into account the major changes occurring during the past year, that have shaped Turkey and European Union’s policy. Therefore the new book entitled “Turkey: Past, Present and Future: Revised and Updated Second Edition” tackles the latest developments related not only to the Arab Spring, the economic crisis in Europe, the Constitutional Referendum and the general election held in Turkey but also to EU affairs, Turkey-EU relations as well as developments in the neighbouring geography. The second edition is constituted of the following chapters: “Historical Perspective”, “Religion and Secularism”, “Rights and Freedoms”, “Democracy and Civil Society”, “Political Participation”, “Education”, “Europeanness”, “Turkey’s International Relations: Recent Trends” and “Practical Concerns”.
The cover photo has been provided by the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce. Caner Kasapoğlu, Mert Çandır ve Cenk Düzyol have contributed to this edition with various photographs of Istanbul. In this edition some of the photographs taken by university students during the project “From Istanbul to Madrid towards Spanish Presidency” conducted by IKV in 2009 can also be found. Publication Number: 252
IKV published a book gathering the articles presented at two workshops organized in Istanbul with the collaboration of Maastricht University and Yeditepe University. The first seminar was held on the 18th October 2008 about “Current Developments in Turkey-EU Relations” and the second one was held on the 28th February 2009 about “EC, Turkey and WTO”
The publication entitled “EU and Turkey: Bridging Differences” was edited by Prof. Dr. Halûk Kabaalioğlu (Yeditepe Univesity, Turkey), Dr. Andrea Ott (Maastricht University, Netherland) and Allan F. Tatham (Péter Pázmány Catholic University, Hungary) with the assistance of Asst. Prof. Dr. Ozan Turhan, Asst. Prof. Dr. Margarite Helena Turhan and Dr. Efe Dırenisa (Yeditepe University). This publication analyzes Turkey-EU relations within an economic, social and legal perspectives.
The names of the contributors to this publication along with the title of their articles are listed below: Section 1: Turkey and the European Union
“Pre-accession and Lessons in Accession Treaty Practice” (Dr. Kirstyn Inglis) “The Movement Regime of Turkish Citizens Based on the Ankara Association – An Ever-Growing Mosaic of Rights?” (Katharina Eisele) “Free Movement of Persons Between Turkey and the EU: The Hidden Potential of Article 41(1) of the Additional Protocol” (Prof. Piet Jan Slot and Narin Idriz)
Section 2: Turkey’s Participation in EU Law and Policies
“Ensuring Compliance? Enhancing Judicial Application of the acquis communautaire Before Accession” (Allan F. Tatham) “Turkey’s Status in EU Institutions and Policies: Living in Sin or Living Separate Lives?” (Dr. Andrea Ott) “Participation of Turkey in European Security and Defence Policy: Kingmaker or Trojan Horse?” (Prof. Dr. Steven Blockmans)
Section 3: Turkey and the European Union in the WTO
“The EC-Turkey Customs Union and the WTO System” (Dr. Cécile Rapoport) “Trade Remedies in Turkey” (Dr. Müslüm Yılmaz) “EU Food-Safety and Plant and Animal Health Requirements and Turkey’s Agri-Food Exports: The Opportunities Provided by the SPS Agreement” (Dr. Denise Prevost)
Publication number: 250
- The second revised and updated edition of "Visa Policy of Member States and the EU towards Turkish Nationals after Soysal" (September 2011)
The Economic Development Foundation (IKV) has published the second updated edition of “Visa Policy of Member States and the EU Towards Turkish National After Soysal” written by two distinguished experts on European Immigration Law, Prof. Dr. Kees Groenendijk from Radboud University Nijmegen Center of Immigration and Prof. Dr. Elspeth Guild.
This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the ruling of European Court of Justice in February 2009 regarding the Soysal case and its impacts on the domestic law of Member States as well as the implementation of this Decision by Member States. The authors point out that the visa obligation applied by Member States within the framework of the provision of services is in breach of the EU Association Law. This publication also provides detailed information about the latest developments occurring in Member States, European Union institutions and Turkey regarding the visa procedures applied to Turkish citizens after the entry into force of the Visa Code in April 2010.
This report also includes some examples of the complaints received during “The Visa Hotline Project” carried out by IKV between January 2010 and June 2011. This project was supported by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and Brussels-based European Citizen Action Service (ECAS). Five striking sample of complaints were enclosed in the report to draw the attention of the readers on the gravity of the situation. Publication number: 249 To access the report please click here • Turkey: Past, Present and Future (October 2010)
“Turkey: Past, Present and Future” was prepared by IKV researchers to shed light on issues pertaining to the history, politics and society in Turkey, that came up frequently in their daily work and contacts and were of interest to especially their European counterparts.. “Turkey: Past, Present and Future” aims to provide general information about some of the most prominent social, economic, political and cultural issues, as well as foreign policy issues faced by Turkey with a particular emphasis on its relation with the European Union and its accession process. The publication is constituted of the following chapters: “Historical Perspective”, “Religion and Secularism”, “Rights and Freedoms”, “Democracy and Civil Society”, “Political Participation”, “Education”, “Europeanness”, “Good Neighbourly Relations”, “Practical Concerns”.
Publication Number: 243
• Economic Development Foundation – Five Years of Accession Negotiations (October 2010)
IKV has published a booklet retracing the developments during Turkey’s EU accession process on the fifth year of the start of negotiations. The summary shows the main key dates and provides a detailed chronological schedule of events marking Turkey- EU relations this past five years. Publication Number: 242 To access the brochure please click here • Visa Policy of Member States and the EU Towards Turkish Nationals After Soysal ( March 2010) T he report titled as “Visa Policy of Member States and the EU Towards Turkish Nationals After Soysal” was written by two distinguished scholars in the area of European Immigration Law, Prof. Kees Groenendijk and Prof. Elspeth Guild from Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands). In the center of the report stands the Soysal judgment, stating that the requirement for a visa application is illegal with regard to Turkish nationals entering an EU Member State for a short stay only. The paper draws attention to how EU Member States have or have not implemented the Soysal judgment in their jurisdictions with regards to short stay visas for Turkish nationals as of 1 January 1973. It describes the ongoing political debate on Soysal, rule changes after Soysal, current national law for Turkish citizens including national case law on Soysal, and legal literature on the case. Finally, conclusions are drawn with regard to the effect the whole process around the Soysal judgment may have on the development of the EU visa policy towards Turkey regarding all other forms of visa.
Publication Number: 232 To access the report please click here • “Visa Hotline Project”: Final Report (March 2010) “Visa Hotline Project” was launched with the aim of determining the difficulties that Turkish citizens encounter during their Schengen visa application process. Within this framework, the project established an analysis of the classification of documents required for the initiation of the visa application process; procedures applied during the visa application process and any other difficulties that Turkish citizens may have to deal with during this process. The project was conducted for a period of two months. It started on November 17, 2009 and finished on January 18, 2010. “Visa Hotline Project” has collected and recorded complaints of Turkish citizens in a systematic way. During the implementation period 944 complaints have reached the team via phone, e-mail, mail and fax. The complaints were received from 52 provinces of Turkey, different professions and age groups. The results obtained reveal the seriousness of the problem encountered especially by Turkish academics, doctors, students and housewives and Turkish citizens in general within their Schengen visa application process. Outcomes of the project have been launched within eight main titles along with related examples. During the project, complaints cover all of the EU Member States but the project revealed the most concerned countries as Germany, France and the United Kingdom. To access the report please click here Publication Number 231 • “ Visa Hotline Project” : Background paper: Turkish Citizens’ Rights in the EU” (March 2010)
This study was prepared by Narin İdriz Tezcan, a research fellow at the European Institution of Leiden University. This paper analyzes the rights of Turkish citizens that derive from Ankara Agreement (Association Agreement) and “Soysal” Decision. The study has been realized with the aim to present the legal aspects of the visa procedures applied to Turkish citizens. Publication Number: 228 To access the report please click here • Turkey and Europe - An Example: Alessandro Missir di Lusignano (September 2009)
Three years after the death of Alessandro Missir di Lusignano, the Economic Development Foundation published a book compiling memories of a variety of personalities whose lives had the chance to cross Alessandro Missir di Lusignano's life path. The book is constituted of interviews that shed light on Alessandro's work related to Turkey-EU relations, his achievements and his contribution to the present day knowledge about Turkey in Europe. The book was prepared by journalist Letizia Missir di Lusignano and IKV senior researcher Melih Özsöz. Who is Alessandro Missir di Lusignano? Alessandro Missir di Lusignano was born in 1967. He graduated from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and joined the services of the European Commission in 1993. He was appointed as Political Desk Officer of the European Commission's Turkey Team in 2001. Passionate about his mission, he deeply impressed all his interlocutors with his in-depth knowledge of Turkey's history, society, culture and politics. For almost five years, he played a key role in the accession negotiations between Turkey and the European Union. Appointed Political Counselor of the EU Commission Delegation to Morocco, Alessandro and his wife Ariane were tragically assassinated in September 2006, only a few days after their arrival in Rabat. Publication Number: 224 ( for the English version) and 225 (for the French version) To acces the French version please click here To access the English version please click here
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